Here are the commission questions your clients are asking now: Pulse
We asked you to share with us the commission questions your clients have and how you're explaining the lawsuit fallout
by Inman Apr 10
You chose one word to describe agent sentiment right now: Pulse
We asked, and boy, did you answer: If you had to use one word to describe agent sentiment right now, what would it be? Here are the results
by Inman Apr 3
Here's how client conversations about commission have changed
We asked how your conversations about commissions with clients shifted in the wake of commission lawsuits and settlements. Here's what you had to say
by Inman Mar 27
The biggest challenges with NAR's proposed settlement: Pulse
We asked readers what's causing you the most stress when it comes to NAR's settlement. Here are the biggest hurdles the industry faces, in your words
by Inman Mar 20
The must-have marketing tools readers can't live without: Pulse
Last week, we asked: What marketing tools and strategies are on your list for 2024? Here are the must-haves according to our readers
by Inman Mar 12
The worst real estate marketing you've ever seen: Pulse
Whether it was the photos, the property description, the website or the social media plan, what marketing element was a total turnoff?
by Inman Mar 6
Here's your biggest marketing flop (and what you learned): Pulse
We asked about the marketing schemes that have flopped in your real estate business, from the silly to the badly implemented
by Inman Feb 28
The hardest lessons you learned as new agents: Pulse
Last week, we asked about the hardest lessons you learned when you started out in real estate. Here's what readers said were their biggest aha moments as newbies
by Inman Feb 21
The subscriptions that consistently provide bang for your buck: Pulse
When you're watching your pennies, those repeating subscriptions and memberships can add up. Here are the ones you deem must-haves
by Inman Feb 13
Here are the biggest new agent misconceptions about real estate
Here's what you shared with us regarding what new real estate agents are confused about, asking about and trying to figure out now
by Inman Feb 7
Here are your best one-liners for real estate conversations
Here's how you break the ice when you want to start talking about real estate and the service you provide for clients
by Inman Jan 31
Here are 9 of the biggest rookie mistakes agents are making
You took a look around and shared with us the biggest mistakes new agents are making right now and what they need to do instead
by Inman Jan 23
You told us about the worst experience you had with an agent
We asked about your worst run-in with a real estate agent, and you delivered. Here are your agent horror stories
by Inman Jan 17
2-4-6-8, readers share the agents they appreciate: Pulse
We asked you to let us know what real estate agent gave you your start, helped you out of a bind or simply made your day better. Here's what you said
by Inman Jan 10
Here's the best advice you're taking with you into 2024: Pulse
We asked for the best tips, tricks, strategies and insights you gleaned in 2023 that are worth taking with you into 2024. Here are your thoughts
by Inman Jan 3
You shared your New Year's resolutions with us. Here they are
We asked, and you answered: What's your plan to start the new year off on the right foot as the calendar turns to 2024?
by Inman Dec 27